Monday, September 27, 2010

now i've got the needle and I can breathe but I can't bleed

I had to have my port flushed last week. I asked the NP at my clinic to set up the flush as a flush/learning appt so that I can flush from now on at home. I'm not particulary scared of needles, I have poked myself before for an array of reasons, the two main were hormone injections when I was trying to have my daughter and the time back when 7% hts wasn't premixed yet and I dropped the huge gauged mixing syringe and it went straight into my leg right up to the hilt. I didn't fall over and faint from that, so I think I got the port thing.

Anyway, as is the case with my experience in the medical field, the nurses look at me like I'm CRAZY when I say I will be doing my flushes at home. Apparently they have never had anyone do that. I don't get it, but oh well. I assure them I know plenty of people who do this, there are even videos online.

I also only have an hour until I have to pick my daughter up at school.

So you know you wait forever on pharmacy (not to mention how long intake took - THIS is why I want to do this at home, I don't have time to be waiting around on other people's schedules every month).

Finally the nurse comes in with the port dressing chage kit thing and the saline ahd heplock and we both put on masks and gloves and she has me do the cleaning with the sponge thing. I like that tool, it reminds me of the things that hold the soap in them with a sponge at the end so you can clean the dishes. I digress - I realized that with the mask on, I can no longer see the port. I can see it just fine without that mask, but the mask skews my view and on top of that, when I look down I end up fogging up my glasses.

We decide to take the kit into the bathroom so I can use the mirror. She hands me the needle, which is bigger and scarier than I expect (but I'm tough, yo, I take it in stride) and says, "find the sweet spot and pop it in." Well, I used lidocaine before I came in and can't feel anything but the hardness of the port, so I aim for the middle and poke. The nurse hooks up the saline, but the port won't flush. The nurse fiddles around with it a bit (um, ouch!) and then decides we have to start over. Brand new kit and everything (which totally irks me as a waste, but whatever). She says, "I am just not comfortable with you doing this at home and since you are on a time crunch, I will do it for you now and you can come back next month and we will try the teaching again."

Really, that annoys me because I just missed the spot (I thought), it wasn't all that hard. Anyway, she comes back with the new kit, pops that bad boy in and guess what? It won't flush! Wasn't just me, sucka! Anyway though, I have to leave. So we decided I will get my daughter from school and then come back so that she can try again.

When I get back, I sit in a chair this time. She pops the needle in and the port flushes right away, so our guess is the first time might have been a positional thing from me looking down or standing up or whatever. I do, reluctantly, agree to come back next month for another walk through, but I really feel better knowing I hadn't totally effed up the port flush.

So, nothing is ever easy here in medical land and now my port is kind of sore, not intolerably, but the vest is uncomfortable again.

I do have a cold though, so there is some silver lining that if I have to go on IVs I am all set. Not that I want IVs, mind you. or not that having a cold doesn't suck. But you know...look at the bright side. ha.


Stephanie aka PinkPigg said...

Good for you learning the port flushing. I'm right there with ya on taking control of the maintenance. Hope you get over the cold OK. I'm up for lunch once this chemo thing is done in a few weeks. Will pm ya on CF2Chat.


Juliet Page said...

Hang in there Shannon! Glad you're being proactive with learning the port flushing. I hope that things work out on your next visit and you find out how to do the flush yourself.

CowTown said...

Nice going. Must feel good to know that you did it and can keep doing it on your own now.

I've only taken the accessed port needle out, and still do not want to put it in for flushes. No thanks on that.

More power to you.