Tuesday, October 27, 2009

tying off the dinosaur

So, a PICC in my left arm, as handy as it would be, is a fail. 4 attempts before I folded:


Right arm a go, on the first try:


Post PICC calm:


Left arm, eight hours later:


Apparently I am very senstive to PICCs and have unfriendly veins. Super.

and, zosyn is every 4 (*see below) hours. lovely. Dare I say, besides my aching arms that I think I feel better today?

oops, I lied. After rereading a comment, I realized my typo. The zosyn is every 6 hours. not 4. Just a PICCed brain speaking, I guess


Jessica said...

I have to say, you look awesome to be a) "IV sick" and b)post picc placement. And not in that awful, snarky, "hrrm, you LOOK fine" way, just in a...daaang, girl! kinda way, haha.

As to your previous posts...I'm awful at relationships; I'm paranoid about ending up as a "burden" to someone eventually, I feel guilty about the idea of taking a good guy off the market, and I shut things down before I even have a chance to get hurt, generally...so yeah, issues; but at least in my friendships and other relationships I echo what the others have said. It's a no-win situation; if you suck it up and go to work/class/social stuff to avoid letting others down, even when you feel bad, then you end up either dragging folks down b/c you can't keep up/feel awful, or essentially undermining yourself the next time that you are sick again and can't hang. But if you lay out or cancel EVERY time you feel bad, then you end up fired/failing/alone, and still doubted.

I am very "type A", naturally hardworking and feisty and such, so feeling like others think I'm lazy and/or flaky is horrible, and proves to be a disincentive to taking care of myself in the short-term (i.e. skipping treatments to go out, going to work when I should stay home and rest, etc) so ironically, I end up that much sicker, that much more often. I've kind of gotten that part under control, and just said "to hell with it, I have to take care of myself", but not without shedding several friends and straining some family relationships along the way.

Ending up in the very position you are in (which breaks my heart for you, btw) is exactly why I'm so gun-shy about dating/relationships etc. The fear that when times get tough is the very moment I'll be left alone to figure everything out and struggle through all by myself makes it seem easier to just get used to being alone to begin with, than to come to know and love and rely on (and support, btw) another person, just to have it pulled out from under me when I need it most.

I probably haven't said anything new or profound or really even helpful, but thought I'd add my 2 cents b/c I'd want other people to do the same. I really hope everything works out for you, both health-wise and w/ the hubs. Hugs!

CowTown said...

Ouch on that 8 hrs post pict. G;ad you're feeling a little better already.

whatsherface said...

Every 4 hours?! Thats so ghey, it's McConeGHEY!

Suck, but hope it does the trick and you're back to your feisty self soon.

environmental fiend said...

Ouchie Shannon! Those are some nice lookin' battle scars.