Tuesday, November 3, 2009

it's easy

My lungs are finally running pretty clear streams whilst vesting, sweet. I have a cold and my one ear feels like I might have gone deaf in it, but my mood is OK.

I think that I really need to be grateful for where I am - I am home, I am relatvely healthy. H1N1 is eating the CF community up, so I really need to appreciate where I am and what I have. I keep fearing that this illness will have been the turning point in my health, but I guess, if it is, it is. I can't be too picky when it could have been so much worse...people are vented and dying from this horrid thing, Cfers and nonmutated folk alike, and I made it out, not unscathed, but OK. I have to send out prayers to everyone who is battling this thing (hell, prayers for everyone all around).

The home nurse is coming today to do a dressing change on my PICC. She sounded like a twit on the phone, and you know how I feel about pedantic twit nurses. I know there are come Cfers out there who are nurses...I know there are good nurses. This might be an excellent nurse with bad phone manners. I think Cfers need to try to rule the world, honestly. Then, everywhere we go, people will "get it" and not be so effing annoying.

ah, but I must keep love in my heart.

Twice in the last week I have seen my husband extract locked-in keys from our cars. Small things like that are so sexy. He is back on my good side (for now) having been trying to care for me. Love. Love is all you need.


CowTown said...

Keeping the love in our hearts, we must. :)

Juliet Page said...

Sounds like you're headed down the right path! Yeah, hubby's can have those rare moments. LOL. :)