Saturday, July 26, 2008

even one big union can't help us now

Today was my husband's union picnic. Before I married a pipefitter, the concept of union meant nothing to me. I wasn't in the teachers' union (quickly ammended by the huz) and really didn't understand all that goes into that kind of organizing. I don't pretned to have a grasp on it now, but I do know that the PLumbers and Pipefitters union is very strong here. It makes me think about organziing in general. I am not a very organized person - I always get things done, and on time, but I am not sure i make best use of my time - me likes to procrastrinate...I digress.

Union organizing made me think today about rights for the disabled. There is nothing my husband likes less about his job that having college educated businessmen come into into his job site trying to tell him - and the other men - how to run work. It is the same thing i have been talking about lately: Cf care and coordiantion run by Cfers. But here is where my digression comes into play: for a week now, one of the things on my to do list is to contact the local Cf chapter - but i have not done it yet. I keep thinking about doing it, but as of late my telepathy skills have been low. I guess it is a good thing that women's suffrage wasn't counting on me to get it started....though, in my own defense, I would have participated, I just might not have organized the thing.

I need to do something though, while the idea is fresh in my mind, as if I allow it to burnout it will go the way of so many things that I had the best of intentions to get done, but just never did.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Oh my. I feel for you. I am so like that myself. I mean it took me a year to actually buy a new car (spent forever researching it), and a call? A single call can take me forever. I always feel better once I've done the "item on the list," but the amount of angst I can put into it is exhausting.

Hope you just up and make that call soon.