Sunday, November 1, 2009

temptation eyes

My husband allowed me to loll around in bed until 4 o'clock. Seriously. I read, dozed, watched "17 Again" (cried in that movie, why? Because being sick and laying in bed is nice, but a bit depressing). Today I was legitimately lazy.

I am still exahusted though, having been up at 3 and 4 for unrelated items and then at 5 and 6 for meds and again 7:30 to flush lines at 8:30 when all the kids got up...and no sleep 'til (Brooklyn) midnight again tonight. Friday can't come quick enough. I've eaten so much Halloween candy my gums and tongue are raw, but i had this epiphany today. Time to get off my ass and start getting active again. I've been sick for a month, but it is time to move on. I think my attitude will make a big difference in things, so....hopefully I sleep well tonight and can be bright eyed and bushy tailed for tomorrow.

even make-up isn't helping with the old hag look

sick eyes


Jess said...

IVs take so much out of us, hope you get to feeling energetic and well soon!

CowTown said...

Fell better Shannon! Doing home IVs are soooo exhausting for me too.

NoExcuses said...

you're so beautiful! glad you're feeling a bit better