Thursday, November 18, 2010

better out than in, I always say

magnesium citrate. yuk.

and thus has been my first overnight, non childbirth related hospital stay.

a hot mess.

Most of my faithful readers will have seen on cf2 that I came in with severe abdominal pain. Honestly, the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I ended up in the ER because I was unable to walk into my clinic (that's how bad, I could't walk).

ERs are definitely really efficient places. I liked how they gave me a shot of dilaudid which wore off after 45 minutes but left me writhing in pain for 2 hours. that was fun. I honestly thought I was going to die yesterday - either from the pain, or that they'd decide to do exploratory surgery and kill me, or my stomach would crack open and spill all the contents out into my body cavity.

I survived. Now today, I feel pretty good (might be the pain meds talking). My clinic NP came down and talked to the nurse who then put a call into my doc for me. Finally. I have asked every person in this place to consul twith the CF people. Hopefully, (fingers crossed) I will be out of here ASAP. Well, after I drink this nasty shit and then shit it all back out. I was going to decline this last test, but I figure I need to get the crap (pun intended) taken care of so that the admitting will release me.

I have had no treatmetns in 48 hours now, so I am a coughing, junky mess. I want to go home. I miss my kids. I miss my real doctor...bah.

so that's my fun story. Wanderlosts hospital vacation. I'm not sure i could do this for weeks like some of us have to. well, I could, if I had my doc who could write orders such as NO LABS at 4 AM and such as that. I feel this is practice for when my time comes that I do have to be admitted for an exacerbation and I need ot get my mind around coping with that.

Yesterday I was in so much pain I would have agreed to anything (almost agreed to an NG tube - that's how bad I felt!). Today, feeling much perkier, I want nothing more than to go home. I'm just not that great of a patient. i don't like being told to do things without a reason or consult (with me). Maybe I need to learn to let things go more, but for now I am on a mission to go home. So with that, I head to the potty to learn to let go!


Jess said...

I hate mag citrate ugh! Get outta there

Juliet Page said...

Glad you're on the mend Shannon! Bust free of the joint and go home to relax properly. :) {{{hugs}}}