Wednesday, August 20, 2008

not by the hair of my chinny chin chin

Too many creepy internet things have been happening lately - I can't help but wonder if they are not somehow in relation to the whole Gina-troll thing. I defended (albeit through anonymous postings, though signed as wanderlost) Q on that site, which in turn was linked to the Cf2 site which suddenly my blogs have gone from like maybe 10 views a day to upward of 50.... CREEPY. If you're reading this, please, post - or if you know me, email me and tell me- let me know who you are. I can't in good faith post stuff about my kids if a bunch of trolls are nosing around here.

Not to mention a few other wierd coincidences that happened out here IRL around this same time that are kinda bugging me out, which I will post about as soon as my internet sleuth lets me know things are cleared up. I have always trusted the people I have met online - I still do, though I have to admit I am more weary now - weary not just on trust - I feel that for the most part the people I interact with are on the up and up and because of they kind of person I am I am going to choose to continue to believe in each and everyone of them until proven differently, but after seeing the unkind things people have been capable of saying and thinking, it's hard to allow my life to be scrutinized in the public domain. I like blogging and I want to continue to do so...and honestly, despite those around me who say I am a fool, I don't mind being naive about the goodness of humanity. I just don't want to be proven wrong (again).


CowTown said...

I've been one of the 10 ppl viewing I guess, and now I'm 1 of 50. :)

I hear you. Word gets out like a wildfire, whether the word is good, bad, accurate or not. Pretty frightening. I think as long as what you're writing won't hurt you if thousands of strangers read it and won't effect your job, etc etc, then I don't really see why we shouldn't open up on the internet if you want to. I think so many personal stories end up helping others when they realize they're not alone.

In this way, the internet can make the world seem smaller (in a good way) and allows people to find and 'meet' others with similar experiences. I like that part of it.

I hope you get some new face recognition through your visitors, b/c I want to keep reading. Plus it may calm down after a week or two. :)

Piper said...

Hi Shannon,

I'm Piper from the CF2 site (NYClawgirl from the old site). I've been nosing around here ever since I saw the link to it on Amy's blog. Not a troll, I promise :)

Unknown said...

I'm reading- I'm fairly new, only set up my blog roll about 3 days ago. I think you know I'm findingher.

The only thing I really plan on changing about my own blog style, is probably watermarking pictures of myself. I'm trying to possibly help others with the problems I face- if someone learns how to fool others because of that, that makes me sad, but the good people shouldn't have to suffer because of the bad eggs.

Lisa said...

I was also one of the ten before too :) (Lisa (blondelawyer) from the cf2chat site!

It is scary that we have to think about all of this stuff now!!


Anonymous said...

gibbo from cf2chat forums. Troll only in appearance, not in online behavior.

not sure how you're tracking your audience, but if you insert the javascript from, you can see not only where your audience is coming from, but their IP address, and what site referred them.


Anonymous said...

Ugh! Noticed some odd stuff going on with some of the carepages, so I've pretty much shut my son's down as well.

Liza aka Ratatosk from cf2chat.

Anonymous said...

I'm me.

Jenn R said...

Hi, I am also one of the handful out there browsing your blog. No trolling here :)

Anonymous said...

Just found your site from CF Steph's blogroll, who recently commented on my wife's, OceanDesert. Hope whatever is going on gets resolved regarding the creeps!

I appreciate your style, and hear a lot of my wife's sentiments echoed in your writing. If I've found one trait in common among the people I've met with CF - it's Fight. I like that you express it, as much as you do it.