Tuesday, February 10, 2009

did you think I come to talk am I a fool or what?

Well, I'm not healed, but I'm certainly no worse. My breathing ability has returned to normal but my sinuses are KILLING me. I'm not sure why, it's wierd. I wonder if it might be a bit allergy related, we've had a bit of a thaw here so maybe that stirs up the gunk? Maybe just some sort of headache from being on loads of drugs for three weeks? Who knows. Adding the zithro in seems to have made a big difference in how I feel for some reaosn though (maybe just timing?) so I am definitely going to ride this out for a while.

I go to clinic on Friday and I am demanding some answers.

I often think I need to switch to a bigger clinic. Mine seems rather inefficient and it's run by a very overworked NP. You can't really get to the doc, the waiting room is too small, and sometimes I feel like I'm the boss when I want someone else to be the boss, if that makes sense? But at the same time, I am a creature of comfort and I am comfortable with these people, I have developed a relationship with them and I'm lazy. I don't want to have to drive 2-3 hours to go to the clinic when I have one I can ride my bike to. I think, sadly, I'll have to get sicker or recieve sub par care for something serious before I really get motivated to make the change. I know that seems ridiculous, but it's the honest truth.

My fingers look incredibly clubbed these days. It doesn't seem like that should happen so quickly after an illness like i had - something acute rather than prolonged, but they are definitely clubby. I am not all that fond of my hands anyway, so ugh.

I'm back in the pool though. My energy was a bit down, but I can still do my usual 1/2 mile routine. My shoulders were really really sore though, and I can't help wonder if that isn't the levaquin at work - I was almost in tears last night because of it (plus I walked into a closet door the other night resulting in a nice bluish bruise on the side of my face which has been throbbing as well. Wah wah, poor me).

I think I need to say something positive here before the pity party comes to an end...but when all else fails, I go to the music, because, as is my motto, life is a medley. yo.

Here is the song of the day - M.I.A. "Paper Planes"
I've been a quasi-M.I.A. fan for a bit, but this song has been on my rotation for a few days. It is in the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" as well. Enjoy.


CowTown said...

Daah, I can't hear your movie soundtrack b/ your site plays music in the background. Is there a way I can stop one and hear the other? I want to see Slumdog M. Haven't gotten to that yet.

Shannon said...

if you scroll down to the bottom you can pause the player and hear MIA!